
W3C publishes EXI 1.0

Today, the W3C announced the standardization of the Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) format, version 1.0. The EXI standard dramatically improves the performance, network efficiency, and power consumption of applications that use XML. EXI is a very compact representation of XML information, making it ideal for use in smart phones, devices with memory or bandwidth constraints, in performance sensitive applications such as sensor networks, in consumer electronics such as cameras, in automobiles, in real-time trading systems, and in many other scenarios.

DPWSCore 2.3.2 released

The version 2.3.2 of DPWSCore has been released on the SOA4D forge. It is a bug-fixing release, fixing both runtime and packaging bugs.

DPWSCore 2.3.1 released

The version 2.3.1 of DPWSCore has been released on the SOA4D forge. Noteworthy new features include:

  • Support of DPWS1.1 (OASIS version) in addition to DPWS 1.0.
  • Support for SSL/TLS and HTTPS
  • Improved support for IPv6 Improved support for HTTP GET and WSDL publishing

OASIS publishes DPWS 1.1

Today, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) officially announced the standardization of WS-DD, a set of three Web Services specifications: the Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS), WS-Discovery and SOAP-over-UDP. OASIS standardization grants royalty-free usage of any intellectual property rights held by the companies involved in the standard-setting process.